Thursday, October 25, 2012

Stolen...Fairfax, OK

On the morning of Friday, October 19th, my black and white Shih Tzu, "CODY" was stolen out my backyard, when I put him out to go to the bathroom. I am offering a small reward for his return, as it is all I can afford. I am a single mom and "CODY" has been my pal and confident for the last 5 years. He licked my tears when I thought I'd never make it. I hope whoever took him is giving him a good hom
e but there is a good chance he has gotten sick with separation anxiety, as it has happened before and he came very close to dying. "CODY" would never stray far from home even if he had gotten out. I have checked the papers, the dog pounds in several cities, and hung posters hoping to bring my sweet boy home. The police office who has investigated his disappearance says that he was definitely stolen as his collar was left on his dog cable.

If you have it in your heart to return him, I'd be forever grateful as he was my friend when I didn't have one. I am praying for his safe return as I, not only can't afford another dog, but really need "CODY" home safe and sound, if only for my own mental wellness. I can only offer $50 for his safe return and I will ask no questions, but will just be glad he is home. We are from Fairfax, Oklahoma. I would appreciate it if you would share and re-post.

Thank you and G-d Bless!


  1. I am so sorry that he was taken from you. I would be happy to contribute $50 to the reward. You can contact me on We have had our dog stolen, too and know all too well the devastation and desperation you are going through. Keep your hope alive! Someone will find him for you and bring him home.

  2. Catherine, that's such a kind gesture. I have passed your message along to Cody's mom and hopefully she'll be in contact with you.

    I'm sorry to hear about your sweet Tibo. I'll share your page on MSDA's FB page.
